Rivers and oceans are cradles for life! Human civilizations have developed along rivers and coasts. Economies flourished due to trade across the ocean. Still our expanses of water are less known than the surface of Mars! This is especially true for Eastern Europe. Ours scientists decided to change this by setting up The Institute for Fluvial and Marine Systems (IFMS). Our non-governmental association is committed to study, understand and offer solutions to all aspects concerning the Romanian Black Sea coast, River Danube and its tributaries and the complex interactions of inland waters and the ocean with humans and life in general.
IFMS’ mission is to fill the extensive gaps in Earth Science data availability, analyses, and syntheses for Romania and neighboring regions. Focusing on fluvial and marine environments, IFMS strives to provide reliable logistics, innovative results and top-notch research.
IFMS is committed to hight impact in the academia, reliable solutions for the business world, and a better life for communities in the Danube Basin and the Black Sea region.
Invest in research! Invest in a better life!
Water is the most important resource on Earth that makes life possible. As climate change accelerates, monitoring this resource is vital for the planet’s future.
IFMS uses, with its partners’ support, the last generation equipment, data and information management programs to understand, educate and monitor all aspects of water and its interactions with life and society within Danube’s watershed and the Black Sea.
Our work would not be possible without YOUR support! By donating to IFMS you can contribute to new scientific discoveries, increase environmental sustainability, and support research in Romania.